The Six Positions Of Relationships

The Six Positions Of Relationships

THE SIX POSITIONS OF RELATIONSHIPS Before you embark on any journey, it's a good idea to know where you're going. As we set off to...

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Before you embark on any journey, it's a good idea to know where you're going. As we set off to create the ideal relationship, the first step is to understand where you are.  In fact, everyone is in one of six positions in regards to relationship.

Position One: 

Amagnificent relationship with love and passion. This is what relationship is all about: all of the fun, spontaneity, intimacy, excitement, passion, closeness, and devotion. When you're in position one, you never want it to end. This is “the zone” for relationship!

Position Two:

 A relationship with love, but little orno passion. You have a deep love with your partner, and your friends and family think you have a good, stable relationship. However, you no longer have the passion, juice, fun, and excitement you want. You feel more like family members than lovers. You may have had this passion in the past and grown comfortable, or you may not ever have had it in the first place. The good news is, it's possible to move from Position Two to Position One within minutes or seconds! This is an exciting place to be, as the rewards can be immediate.

Position Three:

 A relationship with not much love, not much passion. You and your partner may live together, and you may be comfortable, but there is no deep emotional involvement. There may be friction between you, as neither of you feels very loved or wanted, or possibly you have each found ways to meet the majority of your needs outside of the relationship. If the great majority of your attention, focus, and interest is on work, hobbies, family (other than your partner), friends, etc., you are probably in Position Three. What's difficult about this position is that you may feel your partner is a good person—not good enough to get excited about, not bad enough to leave. However, this position shows a deterioration of the relationship and will only get worse as time goes by, unless you turn it around.

Position Four:

 You are planning yourescape. You're with your partner, but you were in Position Three for so long that now you've got your finger on the button. You don't feel committed to making the relationship work, you're just waiting for the right conditions to leave.  Maybe you're waiting for the kids to go to college, maybe you're waiting for finances to change.  This position—where there is no love, friendship, or romance, and there is only procrastination and lying—can be extremely destructive for children to witness.  You need to move up to Positions One and Two, or you need to make a move out of the relationship.  The ULTIMATE RELATIONSHIP PROGRAM will support you with either decision—though you won’t have your “final answer” until at least the tenth day.  Either way, make a commitment and give yourself a deadline.  The cost of staying in Position Four in the long term?  Afeeling that you never tasted what life is about, a lifetime of stress, fear, and rationalization.  And a terrible example for your children of what life and relationship is about.  Don't let your life slip away while you wait and delay.

 Position Five: 

You are out of a relationship, but want to be in one. You have either never been in a committed relationship, you've made your escape from a prior relationship, or your partner has left you.  You may have been in this position for some time, concerned about repeating the experiences of your prior relationship.  While this position holds much pain for most people, it is also a place of opportunity.  The ULTIMATE RELATIONSHIP PROGRAM will help you to clarify the kind of relationship you want and the kind of shifts and actions that will get you there.  If you are getting over the loss of a previous relationship, be careful that you don't start to take on beliefs that will be destructive to future possible relationships.  It's tempting to make generalizations about the opposite sex, or the type of person or relationship you were with before.  Instead, develop a checklist for what you did and didn't do in that previous relationship.  If you work on yourself, clarify your priorities, and take the proven steps in this program, you will be headed towards Position One very soon!

Position Six: 

You are out of a relationship, and don't want to be in one. While this position may be comfortable, private, and consistent, you are missing out on one of the greatest emotional experiences of life! Ask yourself: do you really want to live and die alone? Do you never want to be loved and worshiped by a lover whom you love and worship? We believe that love is the prime motivation and the prime area of spiritual growth for human beings. It is tempting to rationalize and say that you don't need relationship—but that is usually just fear. If you're in Position Six, you need to see some new examples of how relationship can be. Watch the films and see the turnarounds. If you really think you never want a relationship again, at least complete the entire ten day program before making that decision. Give yourself ten days to witness what can be possible in relationship, then make up your mind.

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The Six Positions Of Relationships
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